amateur category

The necropolis at dusk (Single)
This is a long exposure photograph taken through an infrared filter at the 10th century necropolis of Cuyacabras in Soria. Infrared light heps creating a dramatic and unnatural ambient on this scary and isolated place. The day was pouring with rain to ad more difficult to my task. It is myself who is standing at the center with a full red coat although seen white in IR light. I operated the camera using a remote shooter.
Born in Paris in 1960, living in Madrid and Burgos. Chemical engineer at first and a businesman today. Two sons and a dog. Really loving photography in my freetime.
Astrophotography and landscape photography are my favorite cathegories.
Enthusiastic and patient to the limit, I have got an astrophography that took me 20 years to get finished.
Astrophotography and landscape photography are my favorite cathegories.
Enthusiastic and patient to the limit, I have got an astrophography that took me 20 years to get finished.
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