The protagonists of the photo are Paulina and her mare Asta. Their story is seventeen years of uninterrupted bond between humans and animals, understanding and love that is lacking in the world. The sincerity of these two's feelings is undeniably one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
If there is such a thing as a vocation, then Paulina is the right man in the right place, just finishing her veterinary study with focus on horses. When she enters the stable, miracles happen and I begin to believe in the existence of a horse whisperer.
amateur category
And I will never leave you (Single)
Photographer looking for what is important and beautiful to her. In a constant pursuit of emotions, she passionately tries to find her place in the world of images. Addicted to melancholy and the past, she fights for her piece of the present.
Graphic design student fascinated by visual communication, seeking to expand her knowledge in everything that concerns visual arts.
Awarded as finalist or honorable mention in national and international photography competitions such as Just One Photo (2020), MonoVisions Photography Award (2021) and International Photography Awards (2021).
Graphic design student fascinated by visual communication, seeking to expand her knowledge in everything that concerns visual arts.
Awarded as finalist or honorable mention in national and international photography competitions such as Just One Photo (2020), MonoVisions Photography Award (2021) and International Photography Awards (2021).
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