amateur category

Knudshoved (Single)
Sea spray from the breaking waves freezes when it hits the thirteen fishing stakes along the eastern shore on the island of Funen in the danish archipelago. Funen actually means something like “the island where the wind blows” which seems very fitting on this cold and very windy morning. I’m lying in the surfzone with my camera equipment way too close to the saltwater. Fixing a tripod and making a slow shutter exposure between breaking waves is rather challenging.
I’m a 48 years old, self-taught and quite nerdy landscape photographer from Denmark. Besides exploring the Anthropocene landscapes of Denmark through my viewfinder I’m first and foremost the husband of my amazing wife and father of three lovely kids we have brought into this beautiful and troubled world. Considering the trouble’s we are facing, I’m trying to make a difference through my professional life as a hydrogeologist specialized in drinking water supply and sustainable water ressources management. I know my contribution is probably minuscule on a global scale, but it makes perfect sense to me. For me landscape photography is a great contrast to my professional life. Or maybe it was. Maybe it has turned into a great companion. The funny thing is that the imagined borders between my professional life and the playground I call photography are fading. The time where it was just a pleasant pastime are gone. Now it’s much more than that. My background as a geologist and the challenges our civilization are facing in the era of Anthropocene has gradually changed my subject preferences.
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