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The House of Souls (Series)
All photos were taken in an old German villa in my hometown in Poland. The stories of people who lived in this house for generations inspired me to tell what is currently happening in Poland. History repeats itself, and we humans kept making the same mistakes. In 2015 the right-wing PiS party won the elections and since then our country has been collapsing, dragging us women into the abyss. Refugees were attacked first, then gays and lesbians, and finally women. The consequences of this are already fatal. A church-backed right-wing party tries to rule our bodies, decide whether we are to live or die. Strikes of women fighting for their rights are sweeping through Poland. The government does not listen to us, and women who are denied abortion die. Slowly our country, our home begins to resemble The Republic of Gilead from Margaret Atwoods "Handmaid´s Tale".
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