Metro Station in Barcelona, Spain. Perfect symmetry and floor-reflection with natural, almost hypnotic tunnel-effect. Concentrate yourself as intense as possible on the small, rectangular black door far behind in the very center of the picture for around 30+ seconds and enjoy the tunnel-effect.
The tunnel/void effect, usually almost impossible without manipulation or artificial graphics realized in one perfect shot using nothing more than a wide angle lens and the magic of one quiet moment way down under the surface of the earth.
amateur category

0692 (Single)
Born in november 1974 in Austria, raised in Styria and educated to engineer in Carinthia. Graduation to engineer of mechanical engineering and economy by 1996. Starting from 1996 studies of business administration in Klagenfurt, Carinthia.
Since 2002 self-employed with organization of cultural events such as comedy live shows, concerts and theater productions with rewarded national and international comedy stars and musicians such as Kaya Yanar, Josef Hader, Alfred Dorfer, Pizzera & Jaus and many more.
Since 2018 living partially in Spain, by april 2020 publication of "Am Arsch vorbei geht auch ein Weg - das Kochbuch" as co-author, contributing virtually every recipe of the cookbook by Alexandra Reinwarth.
Amateur photographer & artwork designer since 2002, contributing artwork and press photograpy around 500 events and live-shows.
By 2020 starting with a few sample-photographs of Metro Barcelona, later to be forwarded to TMB-Transports Metropolitans Barcelona asking permission for a complete photograph series of Metro Barcelona.
By march / april 2022 a series consisting of 63 photos of Metro Barcelona could be finished, printed on 6mm galery print and yet to be exibhited by Metro Barcelona in Spain.
Starting from 2022 enlarging variety of photograph artwork by such as nature and street photography.
Since 2002 self-employed with organization of cultural events such as comedy live shows, concerts and theater productions with rewarded national and international comedy stars and musicians such as Kaya Yanar, Josef Hader, Alfred Dorfer, Pizzera & Jaus and many more.
Since 2018 living partially in Spain, by april 2020 publication of "Am Arsch vorbei geht auch ein Weg - das Kochbuch" as co-author, contributing virtually every recipe of the cookbook by Alexandra Reinwarth.
Amateur photographer & artwork designer since 2002, contributing artwork and press photograpy around 500 events and live-shows.
By 2020 starting with a few sample-photographs of Metro Barcelona, later to be forwarded to TMB-Transports Metropolitans Barcelona asking permission for a complete photograph series of Metro Barcelona.
By march / april 2022 a series consisting of 63 photos of Metro Barcelona could be finished, printed on 6mm galery print and yet to be exibhited by Metro Barcelona in Spain.
Starting from 2022 enlarging variety of photograph artwork by such as nature and street photography.
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