Censorship of artists can take many forms, from outright banning their work to subtle pressure to self-censor to avoid controversy or offense. In any case, censorship can be profoundly frustrating and demoralizing for artists, who may feel that their ability to express themselves freely and their ideas are being stifled. This can lead to anger, injustice, and betrayal, particularly if the artist believes their work has value and merits a fair hearing.
At the same time, it's essential to recognize that censorship is not always unjustified or malicious. In some cases, it may be necessary to restrict certain forms of expression to protect the rights and safety of others. For example, hate speech or incitement to violence may be censored to prevent harm to vulnerable individuals or groups. This is me feeling Censored.
amateur category
Felling Censored (Series)
I have a passion for art photography because it allows me to capture the beauty of the world around me. Photography is an incredibly powerful tool, and art photography can be used to capture moments in time that may never be repeated. It allows me to create a permanent memory of something special and unique that can be shared with others for years. Art photography is an incredible way to express myself and share my vision of the world.
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