"Childhood Worlds" is a series that tells a story about the fantasy world of children. Sometimes a child has to balance between the real and the imaginary world. As a place of refuge or out of fantasy . But the pictures are also meant to invite the viewer to dream and ask himself: "Where was my place to dream, where did I feel safe?" Or even:" Which fairytale world have I always wanted to visit?"
This is my first series of paintings whose actions take place in digital, imaginary spaces.
amateur category
Childhood Worlds (Series)
I am a hobby art photographer and digital artist from berlin. Photography has accompanied my life since I can remember. Through my work in various photo labs I came into contact with many different photographers and their work, but also my daily contact with the medium of photography as an image, shaped me again and again and fascinated me as well as the work with digital media. So at some point the process of photography became a natural one, because photography is a daily part of my life and the processing in digital form was the completion of the pure image into a work of art.
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