One cloudy July morning, we were fortunate to come across a pride of lion walking through tall, post rain grass in the Masai Mara. The clouds acting like a big soft box suffused the world around us with magical soft light. The cats were quite alert for potential prey and kept looking left and right through their walk. The kept a steady pace as they navigated their way through the tall grass. Ever so often, one would decide to brush past the lion in front of it in greeting and then move ahead. As the grass was tall, the cats kept emerging and disappearing and we were keen to photograph one or two cats standing out, framed by lots of windswept grass.
We saw this beautiful pair enter a large patch of grass and decided to try our luck and wait in a clearing around 100 meters away, in the direction of their walk. Our luck held, and how! Not only did they emerge from the grass like we wanted, just as we were about to press the shutter, the leading lion looked away.
amateur category

Eyes Left, Eyes Right (Single)
We are Nairobi based hobby photo artists with a specific interest in showcasing wild animals in the wild, in black and white. We believe that wild animals are beautiful, sentient beings brimming with stature, grace, sensitivity and strength. We portray these in our work.
We are the 2022 recipients of the Greatest Masai Mara Photo Prize, as well as winners of numerous other accolades at awards like Monovisions, ND Awards, Tokyo International Awards, Spider Awards etc.
We are the 2022 recipients of the Greatest Masai Mara Photo Prize, as well as winners of numerous other accolades at awards like Monovisions, ND Awards, Tokyo International Awards, Spider Awards etc.
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