professional category
"LESS" Project (Series)
1. photo called: Gutless dreamers 2. photo called: Soulless romantics 3. photo called: Voiceless saints 4. photo called: Ruthless rulers 5. photo called: Faceless prophets This photo project reflects many facets of modern society in general and a person in particular. Sometimes we need to stop for a moment and ask ourselves the question, who are we in this world? And the answer to this question will allow us to look at our life from the outside, look at our beliefs, fears, feelings and emotions. In a world that seems to be so changeable, some things remain the same for many years and generations. And only envy from us, what else we can bring to this world, and what else we are ready to leave in the past. The project is inspired by different cultures and works of different eras. All props for the project are handmade. Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 2022.
My name is Stanislav Gan. I am a professional art & portrait photographer from Uzbekistan. Multiple awarded and winner one of the biggest international competition 35 Awards. Also resident of (community of professional photographers) & member of Associathion of photographers EURASIA
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