amateur category

lighthouse of poetry (Single)
The St Pierre bell tower in Saintes is atypical in its shape and location. Located in the heart of the city, it has a facade twisted towards a vast marsh whose morning mist gives it an aute face: it is a beacon in a poetic and magical universe.
I am Wolfgang: I have a double life. Photographer for the public, urban planner in life. But I still feel more like a poet and passionate about it. Welcome to my world.
voie Off FEPN Arles 2019
Salon d'art du Beffroi de Bruges 2014/2015/2018
Salon d'art du musée POROS de Condeixa 2018
I am Wolfgang: I have a double life. Photographer for the public, urban planner in life. But I still feel more like a poet and passionate about it. Welcome to my world.
voie Off FEPN Arles 2019
Salon d'art du Beffroi de Bruges 2014/2015/2018
Salon d'art du musée POROS de Condeixa 2018
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