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(untitled) (Series)
50 years after 2033, the year the first person set foot on Mars, the planet now serves as the refuge of Earth's Elite. The descendants of the pioneering colonists have managed to tame the laws governing natural selection and are now fully adapted to living and existing beyond the 'Dome,' the colony created by the first Earthlings on Mars. However, natural selection did not come without a cost! The new generation of Earthlings – Arians, despite thriving on the red planet, far from the suffocating atmosphere created on Earth by pollution and global warming, unfortunately, is bald and has vision problems. Nevertheless, they are still part of Earth's elite, living and breathing freely, while having control over and profiting from the rich soil of the red planet by exporting food produced on Mars. To resemble their former Earthly selves, they have revived the Baroque style as a fashion trend while relying on advanced biometric glasses for vision problems. And since they are the Elite, all inhabitants of the solar system, from the colony on the moon to the impoverished neighborhoods on Earth, and even the headquarters of the global space station, have taken up the trend.
I am a greek biomedical scientist by profession and photography is my passion. I took many art classes as a kid, including art summer classes for kids in Benaki museum in Athens. As a teen and young adult I always took photographs and 6 years ago I took a ome year course for digital photography in a priv school in Corinth Greece. Since then I am a member of the Corinthian photography club and the photogroup Encounters. I have participated in many group and mixed excibitions since then and have distinguished myself in both local and international photo competitions. My photos have also been published online and local and international magazines.
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