In my artistic exploration, I draw inspiration from the thought-provoking film "2001: A Space Odyssey." This cinematic masterpiece portrays a pivotal moment in human evolution, where primitive homo sapiens encounter a mysterious black monolith that bestows upon them intelligence, leading to the development of our technologically advanced civilization. Reflecting on this concept, I contemplate the current era, wherein we have granted intelligence to computers through the vast knowledge accessible on the internet, giving rise to artificial intelligence. In my artistic practice, I delve into the notion of what might unfold if artificial intelligence were to awaken its intelligence. I envision a reinterpretation of human beings as the symbolic black monolith, representing the bestowment of intelligence. This reimagining prompts profound questions about the consequences and implications for both humanity and the machines we have created. Through my work, I seek to provoke contemplation and dialogue on the complex relationship between humans, artificial intelligence, and the potential future of our intertwined existence.
Subtitle for Image 1: Monolith. Subtitle for Image 2: Neural Network
Model: Jonzu
amateur category
Monolithic (Series)
William Ye is a 26-year-old self-taught portrait and fine art photographer based in Toronto, Canada. William’s passion for fine art photography ignited 3 years ago, and since then, he worked hard to form his own photographic style under the influences of many artists, including Salvador Dali, Erwin Olaf, Jennifer Hudson, and so forth. William has received several awards and honorable mentions in various International level photography competitions in the past, including IPA, One Eyeland, PDN and IPOTY. William’s current focus is on fine art male form. He hopes one day to break the taboo of male nudity in the main stream art.
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