amateur category

Lithium (Single)
Water usually has a special attraction for us. The stillness, the lightness, the floating. Moments that are special for us. Underwater, we are only confronted with ourselves. This photo shows the person as he is and symbolises the described sensations as a nude with cloth.
Born 1965, amateur photography since 1975.
Professional underwater photographer since Mid 2017
Goldmedal Trierenberg Supercurcuit 2017
Best of Show / 1. and 3. in category Fashion Int. underwater competition Mare Nordest
1st. Exhibition Überwasser/Unterwasser starting February, 22nd. 2019
WPE Silver 1/23 and 2/23
Professional underwater photographer since Mid 2017
Goldmedal Trierenberg Supercurcuit 2017
Best of Show / 1. and 3. in category Fashion Int. underwater competition Mare Nordest
1st. Exhibition Überwasser/Unterwasser starting February, 22nd. 2019
WPE Silver 1/23 and 2/23
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