Prometheus is an important key figure in Greek mythology. He formed man from earth and water, shared his knowledge with them and stole fire for his creation. As a result, he fell out of favour with the gods and was banished to a rock. Tethered there, he was regularly visited by an eagle, which ate his liver and left him in painful agony.
Prometheus stands for progress and technology, he helps mankind to embark on a modern way of life. His suffering brought us freedom. But from an individualistic point of view, you could also say that each of us is chained to something. We endure suffering in favour of loved ones, important decisions or valuable things. There is a piece of Prometheus in all of us, waiting for someone to come, save us and show us the right way.
The picture shows either the moment shortly before the arrival of the eagle or the redemption of Prometheus. Is the glass half empty or half full?
Model: Danny Böhm
amateur category

The Heritage of Prometheus (Single)
My name is Maria, I am a german based wedding and portrait photographer, working also as a graphic designer. This is my first time entering a contest using personal work, which I didn't show on my website yet. My journey with photography began when I got my first digital camera (also a Canon) when I turned 14. Since then I am absolutely obsessed and in love capturing moments, creating pictures, compositing and overcoming any boarders set by a frame. This is why I want to get more involved with fine art photography as this is giving me the freedom to create and to follow my passion.
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