Each image has its own words, take it or leave it.
The Extraordinary Artichoke
Light floods through the gap, crafting brilliance and shadows,
In myriad shades of grey, its artistic meadows.
Clutching severed heads with violet hair, iron stems, and scales of steel,
A surreal tableau, emotions it can make one feel.
Soon it vanishes, leaving behind violet artichokes and skin so bare,
Her form now a subtle fusion of shadows, a sight quite rare
Yet her hair shimmers with hints of precious gold, Graceful breasts capture light, their allure bold.
Where her legs converge, a tangle may be seen, Yet within, a unique pleasure, a passionate dream.
amateur category

The Extraordinary Artichoke (Single)
Gilpin, an artist and photographer, collaborates with his muse to create unique, original pieces. He believes the interaction between artist and muse is a unique moment that should remain singular. He utilises natural light and mostly colour, particularly favouring shadows and natural illumination to highlight features in his work, likening the process to painting a picture. His art and photography is where he excels, whereas words have always failed him. As a dyslexic person, the only way he can truly express myself is through colour, light, lines, and imagery. He says it is incredibly challenging to feel trapped inside, unable to articulate your thoughts.
Gilpin's work is gaining considerable acclaim. In 2021, his art was showcased at an exhibition in Barcelona. In 2023, he earned an Honorable Mention at the international Chromatic Awards. In 2024 he continued his success earning a Nominee distinction at the Fine Art Photography Awards. An Honorable Mention at the 17th Color Awards, a Nominee at the 19th Black & White Spider Awards, an Honorable Mention and a Silver Winner at the New York Photography Awards and Honorable Mention at the Tokyo International Foto Awards TIFA.
Gilpin's work is gaining considerable acclaim. In 2021, his art was showcased at an exhibition in Barcelona. In 2023, he earned an Honorable Mention at the international Chromatic Awards. In 2024 he continued his success earning a Nominee distinction at the Fine Art Photography Awards. An Honorable Mention at the 17th Color Awards, a Nominee at the 19th Black & White Spider Awards, an Honorable Mention and a Silver Winner at the New York Photography Awards and Honorable Mention at the Tokyo International Foto Awards TIFA.
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