This series is named Ghost Town and explores the everyday life of people living in Bologna, Italy. The city is very lively and has always been known for its student life. The constant afflux of new students and workers makes it a dynamic and fun environment, but it also highlights the temporary nature of human relationships and raises a question: “if we are planning to leave, are we really here right now after all?”
I decided to depict this intersection between past and future using mixed mediums: the images are shot on black and white film and are subsequently manipulated using digital software to add a ghostly halo of color. This method aims to point focus on the impermanence of city life and the value of fleeting moments. As a student that left the city just recently, I am asking myself if I’m simply a witness of other peoples arrival, growth and departure. And I’m wondering about those who have witnessed mine.
amateur category
Ghost Town (Series)
I am a Media Sciences student in Italy. I started out with analog photography and am currently appreciating the endless frame count of digital photography. I love to create and expand my boundaries whenever possible. Things never seem to be complete as they are.
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