The 'Back to be Strong' Puma Series tells the story of the elusive pumas of Patagonia. Once nearly removed due to hunting and sheep farming during the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sheep farmers of Patagonia have now finally learnt to live with the apex predators of the region - Puma. Although, still at risk, the pumas of Patagonia seem to have reclaimed their apex predator status due to the ongoing conservation efforts, and government help. These pumas were shot in the harsh weather of Chilean Patagonia near the Torres Del Paine national park and the local estancias. 'Paine' shown in the picture climbing down and sitting while looking at us is the male son of the beautiful and confident 'Pataka' who is a favorite among the ranchers. Like mum, 'Paine' had no trepidation of the human nearby, and carried on her business of napping and eventually heading down to take a stroll.
In the park, 'Dania' crossed the road in front of us to climb one of the high rocks, she looked at us from above. Eventually driven by curiosity she walked straight to us. At 9 feet from camera, 'Dania' is as confident as she is strong.
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Back to be Strong Pumas (Series)
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