professional category

B E A U T Y O F B R O K E N (Single)
The beauty of brokenness is taken from the Japanese art of Kintsugi - the art of mending broken objects and this image is a reflection of it in the humanness of healing and growing.
My photography plays on contrast to induce a surreal and minimalistic world that surrounds us. The lack of color, the prominence of light reveal the acute synthesis of thought and image pursued by me. The minimal manipulation is used to strip the simplicity of the composition from external element obtained by combining balance, inspiration and construction of the image. My photography reflects interests in varied forms of art and its endless variations, subjects and forms created in my own very mind by absorbing the landscape and leaving in it the image of what my own soul brings together while the absence of colors accentuates the expressive power of the image itself whose interpretation becomes a medium of subtle yet artistic expression of solitude.
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