The photo series „Unattainable Beauty" deals with the artificial creation of beauty and highlights the absurdity and superficiality of the beauty and fashion industry's standards. An unrealistic ideal of physical beauty combined with the latest fashion standards continues - despite movements to the contrary in recent years - to be often portrayed in popular media and creates pressure on individuals to conform to a certain body type or fashion standards. Especially pubescents often compare themselves and suffer from self-doubt, fragile self-esteem and great insecurity, but also older people feel pressured to reduce the traces of ageing.
With flowers as a symbol of beauty, the "models" are made up of flowers and plants. In order to address these absurd ideals of beauty, which one can hardly escape contemplating in daily life, I created unnatural beings from flowers - the symbol of beauty and youth par excellence - that pose in front of the camera like fashion models.
All of the "models" are hand assembled from various cut flowers and potted plants and were photographed in the studio. I show making-of videos on my Instagram account and website, as viewers often mistakenly categorize my photographs as AI-generated images or Photoshop compositions.
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Unattainable Beauty (Series)
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