"Journey to Mimoto" shows itself as a corporeal performance. The question of identity leads the seekers inward and outward and brings new forms of self-discovery to the stage - enigmatic, interdisciplinary, enchanting. The concept of the portrait includes the authorship of those depicted. They are Anne-Sophie Mosch and Hagen Häsler, both ensemble members of Circus Sonnenstich. The 17-member ensemble developed the quotes of the banners woven into the portrait. The quotes were created in conversations about identity, self-worth and raison d'être within the group. Sandra Schuck had fragments of them transferred onto white adhesive tape by the artist Veronika Steinkohl, designed the make-up together with make-up artist Christiane Buchholz, and staged the lying artists Anne-Sophie and Hagen Häsler.
My life. My friends. My love.
The water is flowing
I have dreamed power
I am security
The other people are also special
I feel free
I let people be
we look at each other
Body feels free
professional category

Identity (Single)
Sandra Schuck, born in 1974, lives in Berlin and has been working as a freelance photographer in the area of people and reportage since 2001. In addition to her work as a photographer, she has also been working as a filmmaker for many years. She shoots and edits advertising and music clips, designs logos and artwork from record covers to posters and the social media presence of individual artists. Designed and built stage sets for theater projects. She has already traveled to many countries around the world on behalf of photographic documentation.
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