"In PIeces" is an assembled deconstruction of a self portrait. It explores the artist's own battle with depression. The piecewise form of the self portrait represents the feeling of falling apart - in pieces - and the energy it requires to keep yourself together. Hold yourself up. Keep from falling apart.
Mental illness impacts one in four humans worldwide (World Health Organization). It has physical and mental implications. This photograph takes each of these pieces, puts them in a frame, and displays them for all to see. The first step to learning how to live with mental illness is understanding it; acknowledging it. Not being ashamed; not hiding it. Proudly displaying it. Photography is this artist's method of coping and healing.
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In Pieces (Single)
Radina Droumeva is a mathematician turned artist. She creates works inspired by mindfulness, nature, and human psychology concepts. Her series are constructed by methodical process design ingrained from her scientific research background. She uses this aspect of her work approach to expose the power of the human imagination, and through it study the human relationship to our physical and social environment.
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