professional category

Where love is (Single)
I am drawn to all things romantic. I travelled to Paris for the first time when I was 24, and ever since then this city has been in my dreams. I travel there every year with my team to shoot the beautiful people and places that have such a strong hold on my heart and mind. This image was shot on my most recent trip there. We found a gorgeous 17th century apartment building and a stunning woman and the rest is history.
Liz Rosa is a Vancouver based photographer, who works internationally as well as locally. Her extensive job portfolio showcases her ability to create and perfect a variety of styles, particularly focusing on fashion, beauty, and commercial photography. Liz's love for travel often brings her overseas to shoot during Paris Fashion Week, where she feels she can let her creativity flourish. Liz has a passion for beautiful things which is exuded in her images, and always aims to express her clients vision to the best of her abilities
Recent Exhibition: "SYNTHESIS", Nov, 27th 2014, Vacnouver BC
Recent Exhibition: "SYNTHESIS", Nov, 27th 2014, Vacnouver BC
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