In the name of figuring out human existence, same questions keep occuring.
Dreams are still holding on as unsolved mysteries...
Dreams are fictional. Like everything else that exists in our world, dreams can be good or bad. Bad dreams are called nightmares which is the only difference. In the world of dreams, nothing is set. It is everchanging and it varies between people. Inside the dream world everything is possible even the things that are not possible
in real life, everything that we know of as in objects, beings, could seem very different or serve a different purpose even if they look the same or called the same thing. If you look at it as a whole it could seem unreasonable.
When I am not in a dream, I try to tell others piled up moments from my dreams. No matter how much detail is given to others, they can only comprehend what they can imagine. Now I am presenting all the moments from the dreams in visuals.
"Me" in my dreams and the "Dreams" in me.
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Encephalography (Series)
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