professional category

GameOfChance (Single)
You can see a breakfast egg, cooked. The spoon is next to the egg, the egg is already opened. But the yolk is not round, it looks like a cube. This picture should show that your food is not natural any more and it`s like a game of chances what your eating. The colors i have used are the primary colors, red, yellow and green.
2002 assistance of photography at maul und belser studios nürnberg and pforzheim
2003-2008 apprenticeship as photographer at studio ro, fürth
2008-2013 photographer at studio ro (stills and fashion)
2013-today freelancer photography (advertising photographer) for different customers
2017,2019,2022 Participant of the "Gostenhofer Atelier-und Werkstatttage"
2017 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Open Theme )
2018 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Abstract, Conceptual )
2018 Participant of "Kunstschimmer" in Ulm
2019 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Abstract, Conceptual )
2019 Participant of the "Gostenhofer Ateliertage"
2019 Taking part of Exibition "Extinctuan Manuel"
2020 Klimaschaufenster with Greenpeace, Erlangen
2021 zerowasteart , Nürnberg + Berlin + Regensburg
2022 Yeah Festival, München
Ideenexpo + Expowal with Mosaik Management , Hannover
2023 refocus awards: silver in architecture
2003-2008 apprenticeship as photographer at studio ro, fürth
2008-2013 photographer at studio ro (stills and fashion)
2013-today freelancer photography (advertising photographer) for different customers
2017,2019,2022 Participant of the "Gostenhofer Atelier-und Werkstatttage"
2017 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Open Theme )
2018 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Abstract, Conceptual )
2018 Participant of "Kunstschimmer" in Ulm
2019 Nominee in Fine Art Photography Awards ( Abstract, Conceptual )
2019 Participant of the "Gostenhofer Ateliertage"
2019 Taking part of Exibition "Extinctuan Manuel"
2020 Klimaschaufenster with Greenpeace, Erlangen
2021 zerowasteart , Nürnberg + Berlin + Regensburg
2022 Yeah Festival, München
Ideenexpo + Expowal with Mosaik Management , Hannover
2023 refocus awards: silver in architecture
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