professional category
Children in Dadaab (Series)
Dadaab is the world’s largest refugee camp complex that hosting in Kenya. More than 300,000 refugees, most of which are victims of Somali Civil War, live in this high population density, no electricity and tape-water area. Refugees typically live in tents made of plastic sheeting and more than half of the children weren’t enrolled in school even after 2010s. For most children, a cup of flour-made gruel is a regular lunch since UNWFP has to cut food rations in 2011 due to a severe funding shortage. The death rate of children in this area is high due to malnutrition and lack of sanitation.
Born in Beijing and spent her childhood and teen years in various places including Tibet, Szechuan and Yunan, Xiao “Freya” Gu is a volunteer, traveler and photographer currently based in New York. Early experience of diverse cultures and exposure to different communities unleashed her fascination for human and nature. She is passionate about observing and connecting the world through travelling and volunteering. She has traveled to all 7 continents and has been a dedicated volunteer since she was 15. She takes her lenses to capture precious moments, when she sees true beauty and dignity in human as well as the wilderness in nature.
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