professional category

The Photographer's Room: Kimberley (Single)
A portrait that is made with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. The sitter is merely the accident, the occasion. It is not the person who is revealed by the photographer; it is rather the photographer who reveals himself. (revised: Oscar Wilde)
Solo Show
2016 - Untitled Portraits, Steuben Gallery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Selected Shows
2017 - Postcards from the Edge, A Benefit for Visual Aids, Hosted by Metro Pictures, New York, NY
2016 - BABYLONE - U.S.A. curated by Daniel S. Palmer, The Boiler | Pierogi, Brooklyn, NY
2015 - Memento Mori curated by Sariel Friedman, Postcrypt Gallery at Columbia University, New York, NY
2014 - Westalgia: nostalgia for the west, curated by Hannah Abdullah, hosted by the DAAD, German Consulate General, UN Plaza, NY
2012 - perfect is no body, Raum Hellrot, Halle, Germany
Awards & Grants
2014 - Hasselblad Master
2014 - German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD Fellowship
2011 - Sony World Photography Award - Conceptual Fine Art Winner
2011 - German Young Photographers Award
2016 - Untitled Portraits, Steuben Gallery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Selected Shows
2017 - Postcards from the Edge, A Benefit for Visual Aids, Hosted by Metro Pictures, New York, NY
2016 - BABYLONE - U.S.A. curated by Daniel S. Palmer, The Boiler | Pierogi, Brooklyn, NY
2015 - Memento Mori curated by Sariel Friedman, Postcrypt Gallery at Columbia University, New York, NY
2014 - Westalgia: nostalgia for the west, curated by Hannah Abdullah, hosted by the DAAD, German Consulate General, UN Plaza, NY
2012 - perfect is no body, Raum Hellrot, Halle, Germany
Awards & Grants
2014 - Hasselblad Master
2014 - German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD Fellowship
2011 - Sony World Photography Award - Conceptual Fine Art Winner
2011 - German Young Photographers Award
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