professional category

Iceberg, Greenland (Single)
Greenland is the place to see ice in all its spectacular forms. In the summer, the icebergs become vast floating sculptures setting off on a long and uncertain voyage with only the wind and the current to steer them. It’s from a sea kayak paddling under the midnight sun in the endless summer days that you get a true demonstration of their size as they tower high above you. And when the sun shines on these icy behemoths, their beauty is breathtaking - Natures own art is presented before you.
Jean-Luc Grossmann confesses that the spirit of adventure is strong within his soul. Jean-Luc was born in Paris and has lived for the past 32 years in Switzerland where he works as a professional photographer. His passion for people and outdoor photography and his thirst for discovery and adventure have taken him on several journeys all over the world. His favourite destinations are Greenland, the Outer-Hebrides, Madagascar, Cape Verde, Australia and Namibia.
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