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I went to see a friend I haven't seen for 25 years in N.S.W , Australia just after Xmas. I stopped off at this location before Forster which is past Sydney. Searching for a good vantage point to capture this amazing coastline I found the perfect spot so a couple of days later I headed off in the early hours and sat waiting for nature to do it's stuff. There was no great sunrise but I still captured something special that morning.
International Award winning photography Artist Terence Colin Kneale . I've been taking photo's since I was a kid . As an emerging Artist based in Melbourne , Australia I look forward to every day to create Art . I decided to enter some competitions in late 2010 and to date I have accrued 96 Awards worldwide including the Landscape Photographer Of The Year at the Global Photo Awards 2010 . Capturing a worldwide audience my artistic style has won many prestigious awards . Awards won in many categories which include Landscape , Still Life , Abstract , Nature , Botanical , Fine Art , Portraits and many more categories . Exhibited at Darkroom Gallery in Vermont , Exhibited at Lens Mist in Melbourne , Australia , Exhibited at Kingston Art Show in Melbourne , Australia , Exhibitions in many online art competitions , My main accomplishments : Landscape Photographer Of the Year 2010 , Knights Of Malta Artistic Trophy , Publications in many Photography books & Art Magazines , Invited to Masters Of Photography book publication , Invited to many Exhibitions worldwide .
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