A tourist knick- knack shop that appears to have 'exploded' out onto the moss covered walls in Hoi An, Vietnam. This town often floods and only weeks before these walls had been underwater. Life goes on, business goes on.
I love the contrast of the gaudy goods against the slime- green walls.
There might be a lot of tat here - but they had a top quality flash-card that I needed!
professional category

Tourist- trash Explosion (Single)
Awards -
2008 Category Winner-Royal Horticultural Society Annual Competition
2009 Finalist-International Garden Photography Competition
2011 Third, Finalist, Commended and Highly Commended-International Garden Photography Competition
2012 Highly Commended-International Garden Photography Competition
2016 Commended, Highly Commended-International Garden Photography Competition
2008 Category Winner-Royal Horticultural Society Annual Competition
2009 Finalist-International Garden Photography Competition
2011 Third, Finalist, Commended and Highly Commended-International Garden Photography Competition
2012 Highly Commended-International Garden Photography Competition
2016 Commended, Highly Commended-International Garden Photography Competition
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