professional category

Strong winter in Volyn (Single)
Picture taken in November 2016 - in Volyn - region situated in Western Ukraine. Strong winter has already come giving bad conditions to travel.
International Photography Awards 2016 - 10 HM in pro section
Family of man IPA patronage - 1st and 3rd place + 5 HM
ND Awards 2016 - 2 HM in pro section
Monochrome Photography Awards - 2 HM in pro section
IPOTY 2016 - 3 HM in pro section
Family of man IPA patronage - 1st and 3rd place + 5 HM
ND Awards 2016 - 2 HM in pro section
Monochrome Photography Awards - 2 HM in pro section
IPOTY 2016 - 3 HM in pro section
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