Peaugres Wildlife Park
The Peaugres Safari regularly supports the Cheetah Conservation Fund, created more than 20 years ago in Namibia by Dr. Laurie Marker. Cheetahs are in danger of disappearing for various reasons, including regular conflicts with herders. One of the CCF's actions is, for example, raising herd protection dogs, which are then offered to livestock farmers in areas occupied by cheetahs.
We support various breeding and protection programs. Shared information, cross-communication, financial support: this is our footprint of support.
Since 1996, our footprint is present in the world. In Costa Rica, in North Africa, in Argentina, we stand by those who act and preserve, defend and rehabilitate.
professional category

Snow Leopard (Single)
Professional photographer in Aix les Bains in France, Nathalie Rabotot photography in the main French animal parks. These parks are respectful of animals, in particular with regard to their environment and their daily life, and they propose programs for the conservation and reproduction of species and, for some, programs for reintroduction into the wild.
The next projects of Nathalie Rabotot are to photograph in the wild life, in Africa in particular but also in other countries.
The next projects of Nathalie Rabotot are to photograph in the wild life, in Africa in particular but also in other countries.
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