Those sharp & tender glowing eyes, definitely after marking his hunt which is an ultimate portrayal of bold & daring approach just before his first step to start with.
Wildlife has major encounters to gift one with, facing them is a real challenge and creating a breathing space around them to make a few record shots is much more daring at times. Here is such a furious frame which explains all the depth involved in hunting mode.
Why B&W ?
B&W commotion does lead to fine tuning, the over all look & feel can always be achieved with a soothing touch of blacks & whites alone. And here one can witness the depth of confidence level this mighty one has as he tries to make a strong move ahead.
The plays of light and shadows are really effective when it comes to B&W combination, it extract very details required and one can alter the highlights & shadows that appear wisely.
professional category

The Glowing eyes (Single)
My self a pure wildlife enthusiast.
• Listed in top 10 finalist under student category in the Highly honoured & prestigious One Eye land International Award, 2016.
• Photograph & writeup published in the highly prestigious One Eyeland's Yearly book - Best of Best Photographers Around the globe, 2016.
• Owner to All India Silver award for Photography, Mumbai 2016.
• Owner to 300+ trifecta awards from the famous International Viewbug.
• Listed in top 5% best photographers for the year 2015 in Pixoto & Viewbug.
• Listed among top 10% best photographers for the year 2012, 2013,2014 on Pixoto International
• Won National award in Photography, Birds - Category 2015
• Won Students Palcon Individual award 2015, Calicut-Kerala
• Won Top trio award under Photography representing state Karnataka from IWIF, held at Kerala 2016.
• Couple of works published in Sanctuary Asia,Saevus Wild life,Wildlife Sojourns Magazine etc.
• Listed in top 10 finalist under student category in the Highly honoured & prestigious One Eye land International Award, 2016.
• Photograph & writeup published in the highly prestigious One Eyeland's Yearly book - Best of Best Photographers Around the globe, 2016.
• Owner to All India Silver award for Photography, Mumbai 2016.
• Owner to 300+ trifecta awards from the famous International Viewbug.
• Listed in top 5% best photographers for the year 2015 in Pixoto & Viewbug.
• Listed among top 10% best photographers for the year 2012, 2013,2014 on Pixoto International
• Won National award in Photography, Birds - Category 2015
• Won Students Palcon Individual award 2015, Calicut-Kerala
• Won Top trio award under Photography representing state Karnataka from IWIF, held at Kerala 2016.
• Couple of works published in Sanctuary Asia,Saevus Wild life,Wildlife Sojourns Magazine etc.
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